This is my first review for any product ever. My baby daddy has been shaving his head for 20 + years and is (WAS) a committed cartridge razor user. Keeping it silky smooth requires shaving every other day, sometimes he'll go 3 days between shaves, but by fourth day fuzz, he can't stand it. I tried to talk him into trying one of these a few years ago but he completely refused, said no electric shaver could compare to the closeness of a blade or cartridge razor shave. I surprised him with the Pitbull Gold with the idea that it was a great median between the price of the silver and the diamond or platinum versions, so if he hated it, it wouldn't be such a loss. He was not very excited upon opening the gift, but he did a complete 180 after trying it out for the first time. He was not only impressed by the closeness of the shave, but after 3 weeks of use, the battery life continues to surprise him. It came fully charged and after 7 uses, it still has 44% of battery remaining, he's not charged it once. He did say there was a bit of a learning curve- he experienced some minor irritation after the first couple of uses, but a thicker coat of shaving cream and adjusting how much pressure he applied resolved the issue. He has seriously thanked me at least a dozen times for getting him this gift. 10 out of 10, HIGHLY RECOMMEND, lifetime customer